Sunday, January 31, 2010

Case Study Flashy Flashers, Inc How To Write A Case Study On Channel Management Of An FMCG Company?

How to write a case study on channel management of an FMCG company? - case study flashy flashers, inc

I want to write a case study of a food company in Pakistan. This is a local company with multinational giants and compete fairly.

I want to do a strategic review of the administrative channels, and I do not know what to write. This is a course requirement was only an idea of what happens in a case study, where it is necessary to analyze a company in the consumer goods industry against rivals and maintain.


Mushtaq A said...

Case Study is a study of the company you hieghlight major divisions of the company.

The study is also likely to achieve goals () or the efforts to achieve them. The success rate and coverage area, you can download the brochure of the company can be found in the future. This statement is an overview of the field of combating competitors. To begin, we take the following measures.

Step 1.Name of the company and its location.

Step 2 Description of the activity of the company here in Pakistan.

Step 3 St atus shown in this regard for the companies that the progress made in recent years compared to monthly targets (100% age of output) and the factors responsible for non-realization, if at all.

Step 4 Compared with competitors (eg Lever Brothers), or by another company, such as Pakistan Tobacco Co.) These are just some examples.

Step 5 Write the program in the next year will be as ambitious as you reach the lastar more than a certain percentage of the limit of performance.

Then, analyze the distribution of the entire program and propose ways and means to the goals that you reach in your case study. Good Luck

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