Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nikon Compact Photo Printers Will Canon Compact Photo Printers Work With Nikon Digital Cameras?

Will Canon compact photo printers work with Nikon digital cameras? - nikon compact photo printers

I am interested in buying a Nikon D300 this week, but he was very interested with a Canon Compact Photo Printer. I know that is the first reaction of most people to buy a Canon camera, but I have a decade of Nikon lenses, I am not prepared to find a part with a loss, and a solution, d 'type of portable Pressure is now more important. .. Thank you!


skyblack... said...

In fact, my first reaction: You spend $ $ $ on a Nikon D300, for losing their pictures with an ink-jet ink at home? "

Real photo labs (including were for the cameras as you made. Chemical treatment, clear images in all sizes under the sun. Does not that sound nice?

However, if the lab closed, and need photos for a party that starts in ten minutes, then a little blurry, slightly scratched prints at home can be your only chance.

So to answer your question: yes.

Should probably be able to connect your camera directly to Canon in touch. USB cables are fairly similar in this respect. If not, the printer also has slots where you can insert the memory card directly. Both Nikon and Canon cameras tend to use SD cards or Compact Flash, depending on the model.

EDIT: Actually, when I worked in the camera store, customers of my Canon camera to buy with each brand usage. And I have not heard of compatibility problems.

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