Monday, February 15, 2010

Hiv Virus More Condition_symptoms Does The HIV Virus Die After Being Released Out Of The Body?

Does the HIV virus die after being released out of the body? - hiv virus more condition_symptoms

I've heard that HIV is dying to say, after leaving the body (as if someone through a cut or wound or whatever) the creation of more HIV virus stops? Is that a threat to humans if they are HIV-address as a park or somthing? Thanks for your answer!


lee said...

Yes, but not immediately.
We must distinguish between the life expectancy of HIV during

It is outside the body and external body fluids and
If you are outside the body, but always present in body fluids such as blood.
After the HIV virus is no longer in a liquid body is very fragile or weak - especially when oxygen, heat and drought will be suspended in the atmosphere.

Although HIV can survive outside the body fluids over a long period, you may be able to live outside the body for several hours in the case of body fluids such as blood or fluids containing blood.

The withdrawal of body fluids should always be treated with utmost care. Latex gloves, the floods, based on a 1:10 solution of bleach solution (eg Jik), and clean water and disposal PAPER tissue.
The average risk of HIV infection, for "through the skin, contact with infected blood is 0.3% (or about one chance in 300). The risk of HIV infection after an injection with a needle contaminated with HIV is approximately 0.37% (or dig a probability of 370) to.

PEP (or PEP) (the anti-retroviral therapy (ART), after a possible exposure to HIV through needle sticks, according to forced sex or rape, and after a broken condom) significantly reduces the risk of infection.

It is, however, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible after the incident - in two hours, if possible, but many sources of support for a period of two to 72 hours after the incident.

Earlier ARV treatmentit starts the biggest change to eliminate the virus before it is mounted in the body. Note that the medication (ART) should be taken for 28 days.

flowerma... said...

If there is blood or other body fluids of HIV outside the body, once dry, HIV could be dead.

young_st... said...

Good question, I was surprised that even

Amy Z said...

Yes, you can not HIV live long ... Only a few hours ... outside the body.
It is only a danger if someone in contact with (comes in an open crucible) with HIV-containing fluid in a few hours to let someone elses body.

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