Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wording For Thank You Tag Suggestions For Wording A Collective Thank-you Note To Attendees Of A Surprise Party For Me?

Suggestions for wording a collective thank-you note to attendees of a surprise party for me? - wording for thank you tag

My friend threw a surprise engagement incrdible / birthday party this weekend for me and all my friends and my family were there. People came from 10 different countries, have left their children, etc. .. therefor. I was very moved by them to the effort to be there for the special occasion. I intend to write to thank individually, but until then I would thank him something in front of him and look forward to seeing you, etc. .. I get sent an email to all participants. Also B / C it was so special that all of them I do not know want to tell your e-mail, unfortunately, I have a hard time, all this in words so havng clear and precise. I am still overwhelmed by the gesture! Natuarally I write my friend a thank-you note as well, so if you have any ideas to share for that too, by all means! And thank you also for the investigation and the exchange of ideas!


TNTMA said... has some nice (and free!) E-cards. Just to go through a brief initial registration, you can your free tickets.

Let me make a note to the electronic card, said: "I thought of you today and just let it know how much your kindness and gesture to me." It appears that you have an amazing friend to have, Good luck both!

digni7y said...

No, you can cry a collective. Please send individual notes as quickly as possible.

gojulie said...

I agree with the previous answer, a joint note sent in May is usually in bad taste to individual notes Thaking each person. You can purchase tickets for less dollars in most stores. You need not be lengthy, with a good thank you.

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